College credit plus
Highland offers college credit plus courses though Marion Technical College. A track of classes is provided at Highland High School by MTC and Highland instructors. Students also have the opportunity to take classes online. Students can take classes through other colleges, as well .
All paperwork is DUE April 1st. The deadline CANNOT be extended for any reason.
Students also need to apply to the college they will be attending for CCP courses.
CCP Information Nights (If you have NEVER attended a CCP Information night in your high school career, you need to attend one to participate next school year):
February 5th 6:00 PM- HHS Cafeteria
February 13th 6:00PM- OSU Marion- Guthery Room in Morrill Hall
February 18th 6:00 PM- Marion Technical Center – Health Technologies Center
25-26 Intent to Participate & Proof of Meeting Attendance Forms– these forms must be filled out each year prior to April 1st for the following school year. All forms must be filled out and turned into HHS guidance prior to the April 1st deadline. If you have not attended the State Mandated College Credit Plus meeting, you must attend it or find another CCP meeting at a different high school or college or have an individual meeting with an area college regarding CCP expectations and provide documentation that you attended a meeting.
Annual CCP Information Slideshow– This is for reference if you attended a meeting during your high school career and need to refer back for information. It is recommended to review information each year.
Ohio Department of Higher Education CCP Information for Students
The Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG) Approved Courses Reporting System will help you identify equivalent pre-major/beginning major courses in a specific subject area at Ohio public colleges and universities. If the current and destination institutions have approved course matches during the same time period, those courses are considered equivalent. For the best results, make sure to input the term and year of the course that you took or will be taking. Approved TAG courses and their associated credit hours are guaranteed to transfer and apply toward the specific major at any of Ohio’s public colleges and universities
MTC CCP Application– this is the application you will need to complete for MTC, in addition to the paperwork you turn in to HHS. This is only if you plan on completing CCP with Marion Technical College.
MTC Course Offerings at Highland High School for 2025-2026 School Year (COMING SOON!)
OSU/OSU-Marion CCP Application– You will need to create an account first. You must still attend the CCP Information Night and turn in the required forms to HHS.