Board of Education


The board takes pride in making decisions to forward the district, schools and in result the community. All board meetings are tentatively scheduled to take place the second Wednesday of the month at 6pm in the high school cafeteria, middle school library or elementary school library.  Upon request to the Superintendent, the District shall make reasonable accommodation for a disabled person to be able to participate in this activity.  This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. Public participation is governed by Board Bylaw 0169.1 – Public Participation at Board Meetings.

The next board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,  April 9th at 6:00pm in the middle school library.  

Board Policies

To view all the board policies, please view:


View topics, agendas, and minutes for past and future meetings.

Title IX Nondiscrimination

District Title IX Compliance Officers:

Title IX Coordinator

Mike DeLaney | Athletic Director

1300 St. Rt. 314

Marengo, OH 43334

419-768-3101 |

Title IX Investigators

Chad Carpenter | High School Principal

1300 St. Rt. 314

Marengo, OH 43334

419-768-3101 |

Title IX Decision Maker

Matt Bradley | Middle School Principal

6506 St. Rt. 229

Marengo, OH 43334

Title IX Appeals

Nathan Huffman | Superintendent

6506 St. Rt. 229

Marengo, OH 43334

419-768-2206 |


504 Coordinator

Allison Stecker

Director of Student Services

 Amy Randolph

1300 St. Rt. 314

Marengo, OH 43334


Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Sex in District Programs or Activities

Board Policy 2266 (All board policies can be found on the district website under the Board of Education tab)


Title IX Training Materials

Civil Rights and Title IX Training

Title IX Coordinator Training

Title IX Decision Maker and Appeals Training

Title IX Investigator Training

Title IX Report Writing Training

Bullying and Harassment Report

Highland Local Schools has had 2 incidents of bullying, harassment, and/or intimidation during the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year. 

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