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Highland Local Schools

About Us

Highland Local Schools is located in southern Morrow County and serves the towns of Sparta, Marengo, and Chesterville. The schools are the foundation of the community as school sponsored events are well supported by parents, students, alumni, teachers, and staff. The goal of developing well rounded students in a safe and caring environment where every student is known and valued is shared by all.


At Highland, we’re always looking to bring in the very best staff members to elevate the education experience for our kids and their families. If you are interested in becoming a staff member at Highland, please use the employment link for the application.

Our Schools

The Highland Local School District is located in southern Morrow County and serves the towns of Sparta, Marengo, and Chesterville. We offer four schools, including preschool, elementary, middle, and high school campuses.

Our Board Of Education

The board takes pride in making decisions to forward the district, schools and in result the community. All board meetings are tentatively scheduled to take place the second Wednesday of the month at 6pm in the middle school robotics room.

Follow us on Social Media

 @Nate_Huffman4 (Superintendent)

 High School Facebook
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