Career Technical Education

Tri-Rivers Career Center
Highland High School students have the opportunity to attend a Career Center program during part of their high school career. Tri-Rivers has many programs to choose from.
Programs include: Automotive Technology, Ag & Industrial Power Technology, Computer Networking Electronics, Construction, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice, Culinary Arts, Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, Health Careers, Interactive Media, Welding, Veterinary Science, Career Experience for Independence.

Knox County Career Center
Highland High School students have the opportunity to attend a Career Center program during their high school career. Knox County has programs that are available for Highland students.
Programs include: Automotive Technology, Building Trades, College- U Business, Collision Repair, Computer Network Technology, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Digital Media and Software Development, Early Childhood Education, Health Technologies, Landscape Design and Management, Metal Fabrication and Welding, Precision Machining, Sports Medicine and Exercise Science.