Highland Elementary School
Supply Lists for the 2024-2025 School Year
Welcome families to Highland Elementary! Every child will be the focus of our attention each and every day. Our decisions are made based on what is best for individual and all students in order for them to be successful.
WE ARE SCOTS! Safe Caring Organized and Trustworthy
Our mission at Highland Elementary is to personalize learning for each student in a safe, caring, organized, and trustworthy environment. We believe our students will become well-prepared, self-aware, and independent learners.
Vision: We will create a student-centered learning environment that empowers students to grow at their own pace by implementing personalized learning, interventions, and supports for every child in our classrooms.

Welcoming Champions Before and After School Care!
Hello Highland Families,
Important Information
Daily Schedule
- Breakfast is served from 8:35-8:50
- Students may enter the building at 8:35 am
- The school day starts at 8:50 am and ends at 3:25 pm
Morning Drop Off & Pick Up
- Students should be dropped off no earlier than 8:35 at the front of the building/main entrance
- Early Sign Out; Students will need picked up in the office and signed out by an adult listed on the students’ emergency medical information
- Dismissal Pick-Ups; No students are to be picked up in the office at the end of the day. Students will need to be picked up at our designated location
Final Forms
All parents/guardians must complete these forms
- We are utilize Final Forms for all paperwork emergency contacts and medical forms. You can access Final Forms on the district website under the parent tab.
- If you do not have a computer at home, we will have computers available at open house for you to sign up
- Parents must complete, update and sign off on the forms every year. Students will not be able to attend and participate in any field trips or off campus activities during the school year.
Administration and Office Staff
- Highland Elementary School: 419-768-3040
- Mr. Shawn Winkelfoos, Principal
- Mr. Caleb Duncan, Assistant Principal
- Mrs. Jessica Litzenberg, Assistant Principal & Preschool Director
- Ms. Amy Randolph, District Director of Student Services
- Mrs. Michelle Mosher, Family & Community Liaison
- Mrs. Amy Rinehart, Family & Community Liaison
- Mrs. Logan Adams, School Nurse
- Mrs. Weisent, School Secretary
- Mrs. Howell, School Secretary and Special Education Secretary
- District office: 419-768-2206

We utilize many tech tools to aid in the learning process at HES, such as:
- Dreambox
- Compass Learning
- MobyMax
- iXL
Students do not take ChromeBooks home; instead, they pick them up each morning and return them each afternoon
HES is very fortunate to be able to provide each student with a ChromeBook (computer) that they carry with them throughout each school day

Future breakfast & lunch prices for 2023-2024:
Breakfast Prices: Regular price: $1.00, Reduced price: $0.30
Lunch Prices: Regular price: $2.75, Reduced price: $0.40
Charging policy
Students may not exceed $10.00 in charges or they will be served an alternate lunch. A la carte items cannot be charged

As a PBIS Building, Highland Elementary is dedicated to teaching positive behaviors. We use the acronym of SCOT to achieve these goals during the year.

Highland Elementary is proud to be Purple Heart School supporting Military Families!
Highland Elementary
Artists and Art