Elementary School
Staff & Admin

Principal Shawn Winkelfoos
Welcome To Highland Elementary, the home of our young “Fighting Scots” and where Character Counts! We are looking forward to an exciting new school year! Highland Elementary strives to be an EXCELLENT SCHOOL. The staff and administration will focus our everyday efforts on providing a safe, fun-filled, and rigorous learning environment. Our top priority is our students, their safety, and providing the necessary supports and services for your child. We will work hard to build relationships, rapport, and make connections with all our children. Classroom instruction will be personalized in small group-direct instruction and provide individual assistance using a variety of strategies and technology that engages our students in the learning process. Please do not hestitate to comunicate with us if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help and assist you in any way so your child feels welcomed and successful throughout the school year. shawn_w@hlsd.us

Assistant Principal Caleb Duncan
As the Assistant Principal at Highland Elementary, I focus on the attendance and behavior of our young Scots. Our staff strives to teach behavior as a part of the classroom expectations. We want our young Scots to be safe, caring, organized and trustworthy. We always are looking to improve in these areas. If you ever have questions or concerns about your students attendance or behavior feel free to email me at caleb_d@hlsd.us.

Assistant Principal Jessica Litzenberg
My focus is Elementary curriculum and testing for the district. We strive to provide positive, enriching learning opportunities for our students through research-based educational frameworks, programs and assessments. At Highland Elementary, we focus on educating the whole student while having a lot of fun! If you have any questions feel free to reach out at jessica_l@hlsd.us.
Elementary School Staff Directory
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